Mogami Kougei Founded
Mogami Kougei founded in 1912, Heijiro Mogami studied under the Edo-Furniture’s Master Craftsman Chomatsu Tominaga, and then established MOGAMI-KOGEI.
While he was working on his craftsmanship,he was training new apprentice. During World War2nd, He hid his tools in the clay pipe to protect from fire. Some of these tools have been exhibited at the EDO-TOKYO MUSEUM of Single Joinery (Sashimono) craftsman room.
In 1940, Heijiro was killed in Great Tokyo Air Raids, Mogami-Kogei suffered with the founder’s death. However, his son Toyojiro survived the war and rebuilt the company.
Toyojiro and other Sashimono craftsmen jointly founded “ Edo-Sashimono Union” and laid the foundation to be recognized as the Edo-Craftsman industry to become National Traditional Craft. Toyojiro’s oldest son Yutaka took over in 1995 and he continued with the traditional Edo-Style.

At Edo zone Tenement of Single Joinery Craftsman room,he donated his ancestors tools and gives advised on interior design at the exhibit room.
*** Museum of Art MOA***
*Cast a bronze directing point and mold.
*Create the interior of tea room -Ippakuan -, also build furniture and tea utensils.